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10000 Days Inspiration

Birthdays in your 20s can get a little repetitive - what difference is there between being 23 and 24? So people are increasingly celebrating their 10000th day as an extra-special birthday.
This day falls when you're about 27.4 years old, and creative people around the world have been busy doing unusual things for their 10000-day mark. Here are 8 examples from around the world:

  1. First is Brad Leach, from Michigan. He ate 10000 mini marshmallows on his 10000th day, and miraculously survived for his 10001st! Unfortunately his video seems no longer to be available, but the Toronto Star describes his peculiarly unhealthy celebration.

  2. Meanwhile baker-blogger Ginny baked the following quiche cupcakes to celebrate her boyfriend's special day:
    Quiche cupcakes as 10000 days celebration

  3. Californian Maths teacher and education innovator Matt Vaudrey held a 10000-themed party, complete with age tags (in days, of course!) and posters with factoids such as: in 10000 days you could watch the entire Star Wars filmography 17062 times.

  4. This celebration is especially popular in South Korea and Japan, with fans of young celebrities generating a lot of excitement when the day arrives. Here's a photo of Super Junior K-Pop singer Ryeowook showing his birthday cake to his Twitter followers:
    Super Junior singer Ryeowook with his 10000 days birthday cake

  5. Meanwhile to celebrate the 10000th day of EXO's singer Xiumin, his fan club donated $3500 to a children's hospital. And of course on Twitter the #XIUMIN10000DAYS hashtag trended, driven mainly by EXO fans. Maybe Xiumin also got a cake, like Ryeowook?

  6. Then when TVXQ singer Yunho reached his 10000th day, one TVXQ fan took the opportunity to make a commemorative video for Yunho:

  7. Melissa from TrialsNTresses had many plans for her 10000th - including parties, charity donations, a 10000-step run (about 7 miles) and even a new tattoo! You can read about her ideas here.

  8. Finally, one of the more surreal celebrations has been a party involving a Portal-themed minigolf! An explanation of how this was achieved can be found here.
    portal-themed minigolf for 10000 days party

Do you know of anyone who has celebrated their 10000th day - or any other unusual anniversary? Send me a message at hyperbirthday@hyperbirthday.com and maybe I can feature it in a future blog post!

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